SWOOP for SharePoint
Support material for SWOOP for SharePoint from setup to reports
How to use SWOOP for SharePoint
- Dashboard, tabs and date ranges (SWOOP for SharePoint)
- Definition of Terms used (SWOOP for SharePoint)
- Differences between SWOOP for SharePoint intranet and Microsoft Analytics
- Introducing typical time - a different way to understand engagement (SWOOP for SharePoint)
- How visits are recorded (SWOOP for SharePoint)
- How page visit time is measured (SWOOP for SharePoint)
Report Help Articles
- SWOOP for SharePoint: Report A-Z
- Activity by Time - What and How (SWOOP for SharePoint)
- Activity Over Time: What and How (SWOOP for SharePoint)
- Browser Activity - What and How (SWOOP for SharePoint)
- Device Activity - What and How (SWOOP for SharePoint)
- Entry and Exit Pages (SWOOP for SharePoint)