You need to be a SharePoint Admin or Global M365 Admin to complete these steps.
The process is:
1. Go into your SWOOP Analytics site and go into the Admin Settings (bottom left).
2. Click into the Miner tab and click on your data miner URL. It will look something like this:
3. In the data miner you'll see a section called SharePoint Configuration
4. In Site Configuration, find the Site you wish to remove.
5. Click on the trash icon to delete the site and click Save.
6. You will see the block of text in the SharePoint Configuration box update, this is now the update tracking code used to only include the sites selected.
7. In a new browser tab, go to:
Where [you_sharepoint_root_url] is your main SharePoint URL.
Or if you're using powershell for the setup, then update configuration there.
8. From your Miner browser tab, copy the Sharepoint Configuration text. In the Tenant Wide Extensions browser tab, click on 'edit' this list and paste the text into the Component Properties column.
9. Click 'Stop' editing this list to save the configuration.
10. Give it a mining cycle (typically 4-24 hours) to update in the data miner.
11. You can then check the sites you've brought into SWOOP by going into your SWOOP dashboard, then going to the Intranet Dashboard > Sites tab.
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