(Contact your SWOOP representative to have this feature turned on. It is included in your subscription, but we onboard customers upon request.)
What are Official Keywords?
The Official Keywords feature in SWOOP for Viva Engage allows SWOOP Admins to track a set of official keywords or phrases that they define. It is different to, but complements three other methods of tracking content in SWOOP:
- Hashtags - added by people as the post by inserting a # before a word, eg #EmployeeEngagement
- Topics - added by people using the "Add Topic" feature in Viva Engage.
- Keywords - automatically identified by SWOOP Analytics by applying artificial intelligence (Microsoft Text Analytics).
Enabling SWOOP Admins to identify a keyword - or phrase - complements the above as there are cases where no hashtag or topic has been added and where no keywords have been automatically extracted. Also, the automatically identified keywords are not extracted for private communities, but Official Keywords are.
How to use Official Keywords
Creating Official Keywords to track
Start by creating your Official Keywords. You need to be a SWOOP Admin to do this. Follow these steps:
- Click Admin Settings
- Click Application (the 'Application' tab)
- Scroll down to see the 'Official Keywords' area
- Type in a keyword or phrase, and click 'Apply Changes'
After you click 'Apply Changes' SWOOP Analytics will start a process of reviewing up to the last 24 months of activity on Viva Engage to find messages that match your keyword or phrase post in either public or private communities. The search is not case-sensitive. If you are using multiple words, it will only look for a match of the order of the words. For example, you type in "Q4 Results" and SWOOP will search for "q4 results", "Q4 results", "q4 Results" or any other combinations of cases, but will look for the same order of words.
Note that it takes up to 24 hours to get the Official Keyword data on historical messages, and it could even be 48 hours for large Viva Engage networks. While the historical data is being collected the number values will appear as zeros.
- There is a 64-character limit for each keyword/phrase you create. Some characters cannot be used, for example, hidden system characters and emoji symbols. These will automatically be stripped out of the keyword/phrase that you create.
- You can track a maximum of 50 keywords/phrases.
- You cannot use logic, eg "Q3 Results and Q4 Results, but not Q1 Results"
Accessing Reports on Official Keywords
On the Content tab, you will find the 'Official Keyword' report:
If you can't see the Official Keywords report, then check that you have selected it from the Report Selector (top right). If you still cannot see it, it is because the report has been disabled by your SWOOP Admin.
The 'Official Keywords' report will only include data for the keywords/phrases that you have added. You can click on a keyword and it will take you to the Topics dashboard where you can see all the details for the keyword you selected. The reporting works the same way as Hot Topics: What and How.
Why use the Official Keywords report
Using the Official Keyword report will allow you to gain valuable insights and feedback on internal campaigns and proactively listen to any key issues and important conversations that are happening internally.
Trying to monitor all the conversations that are happening on Viva Engage will need a team of dedicated community managers and depending on the size of your network, a lot of time to read all the posts in the different communities. By using the Official Keyword report, SWOOP will do the hard work for you and let you focus on the reporting and gain a deeper understanding of what's happening on your social network.
Examples of official keyword monitoring
Several use cases would benefit from monitoring specific keywords. For example, you have introduced a new uniform to your employees and would like a better understanding of how the rollout is going, so you upload words that can be associated with uniforms, how they look and feel the sizing and quality for example. Start with adding the "uniform" keywords and then see if you need to add more.
There might be a period of transformation happening internally, and you want to just make sure people are supported and given the right information. Having a clear understanding of the conversations will help your associates to make sure they are fully supported through the transition. Choose keywords you know will be directly associated with the transformation activity. For example, if you are rolling out a new IT system like SAP, it could be as simple as adding "sap". Other corporate initiatives could go by, for example, names such as "Back to basics", "Making the different", and "Think bold" so here you just add those to your keyword list.
The Official Keyword feature is about making sure as an internal communications team, you can tailor your messaging, create content and report to the senior leadership teams what's important to your organisation and the conversations that mean something to your employees.
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