Welcome to Episode 5 of our SWOOP Hacks series where we show you some easy tips, tricks and shortcuts to finding the information you're looking for in your SWOOP dashboard. This episode will serve as a quick tutorial of the campaign benchmarking feature in your dashboard.
Let’s say for example, you have run several campaigns over the past 6 months and you want to get a quick sense of how the engagement levels compare from campaign-to-campaign. Or maybe you run an annual campaign that you want to compare with previous campaigns; it could be #performancereviews2018, #performancereviews2019, and so on.
Let’s build a benchmarking table. If you click on the fly-out menu of your Topics dashboard, you'll notice the comparison feature down the bottom. Click on the 'Click here to add' button. The first thing you need to do is name your list; let’s call this one 'Campaign Comparison'. Then let's add the hashtags or keywords we want to benchmark. I’m going to add a few examples; digital transformation, made my day, ESNfest and ESNmagic. Click 'OK', ensure the list is selected, then click 'OK' again.
When you scroll to the bottom of your dashboard, SWOOP will have generated a leaderboard including the campaigns you have just selected. This breakdown will show you overall users engaged, how many posts were associated with the campaign as well as replies, likes, notifies, and @mentions. We can also see measures including curiosity, mention index and your influencer risk score. If you’re not sure what some of the measures mean, I’d strongly recommend checking out the SWOOP E-book which is free to download from our website.
Remember, you can also build benchmarking tables in the Personal, Segments, and Communities/Groups/Teams dashboards.
A few more tips: there is Excel export option if you want to filter, arrange or add additional data, a button to take a simple screenshot of the table and of course the information icon which gives an overview of what the report is measuring.
And that’s it! Thanks for watching.
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