What are user attributes?
User attributes are applied to a number of different reports across SWOOP, but first let's just get clear on what a 'user attribute' is.
A 'user attribute' is any piece of information about a user which has been made available to SWOOP. Occasionally there is no user attribute information at all, but for most there will at least be one we call Department, which SWOOP will try to extract.
(There a different ways in which you can get additional user attribute data into SWOOP and this article outlines these different methods - see Where does SWOOP get segment data from.)
Where are they used?
The user attributes are used by the following reports:
Personal Dashboard
- The people shown on the 'Network Map' are coloured by the default attribute
- The Collaboration Profile uses the 'department' attribute field
Group Dashboard
- 'Cross-Team Collaboration' is relying on the default user attribute
Topics Dashboard
- 'Cross-Team Collaboration' is relying on the default user attribute
Segment Dashboard
- All the reports rely on user attribute data
Enterprise Dashboard
- 'Cross-Team Collaboration' is relying on the default user attribute
- 'Segment Activity' is relying on the default user attribute
Changing the default user attribute
If you are a SWOOP admin you can change the default attribute. See this article - How to change the default user attribute used by SWOOP.
What if my attribute data is wrong?
If your user attribute data is wrong then of course it will impact the reports/dashboards listed above. To address this it you have two options:
- Fix the data. See - Where does SWOOP get segment data from for instructions on how to add attribute data
- Hide/remove the reports. See - How to change access to reports and dashboards where you can simply hide or remove the impacted reports/dashboards.
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