In this short video, we want to explain how our analytics can directly impact the productivity of digital teams. In developing SWOOP for Teams, we have conducted extensive research on what highly productive teams look like; including what we believe is the world's largest study of digital interactions within Teams, covering over 1300 digital teams across multiple organisations.
From our research, we've distilled six key characteristics of high performing teams. We can see that these characteristics are largely people and relationships-centered. When we look at what analytics is currently available for Teams, it's pretty basic and largely targeting activity and resource utilisation.
Even if we were to use survey methods, we could only hope for a data-point per quarter from perhaps only 50% of the staff who choose to respond. It is clear that there is a significant gap between what is available today, and what is needed to inform teams on how to maximise their productivity. This is the 'gap' that SWOOP for Teams is looking to fill.
SWOOP is updated as frequently as each hour, providing teams with high-frequency feedback on how they are performing. How are we going to do it?
We have adopted the popular 'Forming', 'Storming', 'Norming', and 'Performing' team growth model to frame as SWOOP Analytics' guided team journey. Our custom analytics track a team's journey, from Forming where activity measures are most relevant, to Storming where relationships between team members are being built, to Norming where relationships stabilise and strengthen and trust builds along with a degree of self direction.
And finally, at the performing stage, we see a high-performing team that is influencing other teams through shared team memberships. SWOOP's Team of Teams map shows how this team is interconnected with other teams. The Team of Teams map shows the alternate teaming organisational structure.
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