If you run an on-premise miner we may need to request data from you if the miner seems to be generating incomplete data.
The process is as follows:
1. Go to: https://www.yammer.com/[your network]/data_exports/new_user_export (replace [your network] with your network name that usually appears here.
1. From the home screen in Viva Engage click on 'gear' symbol, 'Network Admin' then 'Export Users'.
2. Click 'Export all users' then the 'Export' button.
3. You browser will download a 'ZIP' file containing several CSV files. You will need to open 'Users.csv' in a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel).
4. Keep the 'id' and 'state' columns and delete the rest.
5. Send the 'Users.csv' file by uploading or raising a support ticket at https://support.swoopanalytics.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
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