This page will list any current known issues and incidents.
Current Incidents and Issues
22nd July 2024 16:30pm BST - Miner Service Disruption
Clusters affected: Germany
Issue: Unable to log into miner
We are aware of an issue authenticating with Azure to log into the miner for SWOOP on the DE Cluster, engineering is currently rectifying the issue and we will update here once completed.
Previous Incidents and Issues
17 July 4:50pm AEST - SWOOP for M365
A fix to address some inaccuracies in the M365 usage reports have been addressed. Collaboration habit scores are being recalculated and will be fully completed across for all customers within the next 24 hours.
Note - at the same time a new method of calculating segment/enterprise collaboration scores (not related to the Microsoft Usage Report issue) has also been implemented.
16 July 14:00 BST - SWOOP Maintenance on US clusters (1 & 2)
We will be doing some essential maintenance to the US clusters (1 & 2) on Wednesday 17 July (10pm EST) and Thursday 18 July (10pm EST). The maintenance should be completed over 3-4 hours, however some sites hosted on these clusters may be impacted.
16 July 14:00 BST - SWOOP Maintenance on EU cluster (Germany)
We will be doing some essential maintenance to the EU cluster (Germany) over this coming weekend, commencing 20 July. The maintenance should be completed over the weekend, however some sites hosted on the EU cluster (Germany) may be impacted.
10 July 2024 12:00pm BST - SWOOP Maintenance on EU cluster
We will be doing some essential maintenance to the EU cluster over this coming weekend, commencing 13 July. The maintenance should be completed over the weekend, however some sites hosted on the EU cluster may be impacted.
28 June 2024 12:40pm AEST - SWOOP M365
The underlying problem related to incorrect calculation of the Collaboration Habit Score appears to be related to inconsistencies in the 30-day usage report generated by Microsoft. Upon investigation we have found that the total activity count is different - and less - than when 30 x 1-day reports are added together. We are therefore now changing SWOOP for M365 to use the 1-day Microsoft usage reports. We expect this to be released in the next week and will update here if there are any delays.
26 June 2024 8:40am AEST- Essential Maintenance for Miners - all platforms June 28-30
We are doing maintenance on the data mining, so this means the miner will be slower over the weekend (June 28-30). This will be to all products but SharePoint will be affected slightly more. This should be finalised by Monday 1 July.
25 June 2024 8:42am AEST -SWOOP for M365 data issue.
SWOOP is providing Microsoft information to describe the issue. Many usage reports generated by Microsoft now have data, but the issue is not yet resolved and there may still be zero values appearing in the activity charts in SWOOP for M365.
21 June 2024 8:53am AEST - SWOOP for M365 is showing incorrect collaboration habit scores.
Also, the data on the 'Activity' tabs are incorrect. The underlying problem is that Microsoft Graph API which provides the Microsoft Usage reports (that is the basis of SWOOP for M365) have stopped sending complete data.
SWOOP has raised support tickets with Microsoft to have this issue addressed.
SWOOP for Workplace - Last updated 5 June 2024 4:30pm AEST
SWOOP for Workplace is now functioning as expected after Meta resolved the API issue.
June 4 2024, 11:30pm AEST - SWOOP for Workplace has been impacted by an issue Meta are having with Workplace integrations which is actively being investigated by them (see Workplace from Meta Status). As the API is not connecting it means users are not able to login to SWOOP for Workplace until this issue is resolved.
June 4 2024, 8:30pm AEST - SWOOP for Workplace is currently not available. Our calls to the Workplace API are not getting a response from Meta. We have logged the issue with Meta and are waiting on their response. As we get updated details will be posted here.
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