We have listed below and summarised all of the current available reports within SWOOP for Viva Engage (Yammer).
Click on the hyperlinked report name to take you to the relevant support article to find out more.
Activity by Time - Activity by Time shows the distribution of activities (posts, replies and reactions). Timestamps are recorded for Posts and Replies, but Reactions inherit the time of the associated Post or Reply.
To zoom in on a particular date range, click and drag to highlight the relevant period.
Collaboration Profile - Collaboration Profile provides profiles for cross-team collaboration. Think about your aspirations in terms of the roles identified and where you currently sit amongst your peers.
Building more connections is usually positive for most people. Where possible use face-to-face connections to build online connections. Broaden the diversity of such connections if your aspirations include management roles.
Community Activity - The Community Activity report shows your personal activity in the most active communities and the activity of the other users in those communities. Activity is the sum of posts, replies, reactions, mentions, etc.
Community Benchmarking - Benchmarking enables the comparison of activity across a given set of communities. Based on each community's activity a number of statistics are provided.
Community Growth - Community growth shows the totals of different community types within the network as well as a graph of the dynamics of the evolution of these communities over the chosen time frame. This gives insights into the frequency and size of the changes in the community counts within the network over time. To zoom in on a particular time period, click and drag to highlight the relevant period.
Community Health Index - The Community Health Index is measured as the number of active users each month, as a percentage of all users who have been active at least once in the most recent 12 month period.
Green, Yellow and Red markers are based on extensive empirical analysis of online community interactions. 15% or more active users is considered health (green). Less than 10% is considered unhealthy (red).
To zoom in on a particular time period, click and drag to highlight the relevant period.
Cross-Enterprise Collaboration - The Cross-Enterprise Collaboration report shows how individuals (aggregated by a common attribute) interact with each other based on the number of replies, comments, etc. You can choose to view this in the form of either a matrix or as a network map.
In matrix view, you can hover over each coloured square to see the number of interactions by type.
Curiosity Index - The Curiosity Index shows you how many messages include a question mark. Asking questions is a great way of starting discussions and conversations that can lead to deeper insights.
Our research indicates that there is a correlation between a high curiosity index and the proportion of Engagers in a network.
Forecast - SWOOP research has uncovered that posts which share two core characteristics get more people engaged (via other people reacting or replying):
1. The poster has interacted with a large number of people (refer to the SWOOP Influencer Score)
2. The post was made in a community which has many members
The higher the post ranks on these two metrics the more people the post is likely to engage.
Hot Topics - Hot Topics are determined by counting the number of posts, replies, reactions, and participants associated with any message thread that has been tagged with the topic. You can see how many posts are tagged with the topic and how many replies and reactions the topic has generated. You can also see how many unique individuals actively participated in the whole thread.
Impact of Attachments - Impact of Attachments shows the average number of replies and reactions for messages with different types of attachments. It reports on images, videos, links and other.
The 'other' category includes links to files and other types of attachments that are not images, videos or links. This can include files such as shares or unknown file types.
Where a message has multiple types of attachments, it will be counted against each type. A post with both an image and a document attached would contribute to both the proportion of messages with images and the proportion of messages with other files. This means the percentage figures are independent should not be summed together.
Individual Benchmarking - Benchmarking enables the comparison of activity across a given set of communities. Based on each community's activity a number of statistics are provided.
Influential People - The Influential People report is based on analysing posts, replies, and reactions to identify the top 10 influencers. Influence does not come from posting alone, but by posting things that other people engage with.
There is a potential risk that you become too dependent on a few influential people. A high Influencer Risk Score indicates an over-reliance on the members placed at the top of this list. The risk can be mediated by taking initiatives to 'spread the load' for interactions to multiple leaders.
Interactive Members - Interactive Members reports on the percentage of members that have been active in the group. In healthy communities many members will play an active role.
To strengthen engagement, consider moving day-to-day activities onto the Viva Engage platform. Ask questions, ask for feedback, organise meetings, report results, share group announcements, etc.
Set your own target for the level of member engagement you are looking for. In large online communities just 10% of users are active, but much higher levels can be achieved with a clear sense of purpose and a focus on business outcomes.
To zoom in on a particular time period, click and drag to highlight the relevant period.
Interactive Users - Interactive Users reports on the percentage of users in the area that have been active in the network. In healthy networks many group members will play an active role.
To strengthen engagement, consider moving day-to-day activities onto the Viva Engage platform. Ask questions, ask for feedback, organise meetings, report results, share group announcements, etc.
Set your own target for the level of user engagement you are looking for. In large online communities just 10% of users are active, but much higher levels can be achieved with a clear sense of purpose and a focus on business outcomes.
To zoom in on a particular time period, click and drag to highlight the relevant period.
Key Statistics - The Key Statistics report shows some high level activity metrics involving you at a glance.
Keyword Cloud - The Keyword Cloud represents the frequency of keywords extracted from the message content posted in public groups. Hover over a keyword to see how often it has occurred.
Mention Index - The Mention Index shows you how many posts include an @ mention. SWOOP research has found that using an @ mention can lead to a more engaging conversation.
Most Engaging Posts - The Most Engaging Posts report helps you understand which posts people engage with the most. You can see how many Replies and Reactions the post has generated. You can also see how many unique individuals actively participated in the whole thread by engaging with it through replying or reacting.
Use this insight to guide how you engage with others online. To achieve higher engagement, think about what generates value and what is of interest to others.
If a post reads N/A in the Seen column, either this post was mined before May 2023 or your miner is out of date.
Multi-Group Participation - The Multi-Group Participation score measures how you have participated in multiple groups. A high score is achieved by participating equally in several groups.
The score on this dashboard only includes your own activity. On other dashboards the score represents the average score of all the users who are relevant for the selected dashboard.
People who have very low levels of activity ('Observers') are excluded when calculating the score, so try to join a group if there is no data in this report.
Most Praised - This report shows a leaderboard to identify top people who have been tagged or praised within praise posts (rather than authors).
Nudge - The Nudge report provides suggestions on how to improve on collaborative behaviours, tailored to your current performance level.
Persona Distribution - Depending on the purpose of your community you should expect a different distribution of SWOOP personas.
Broadcasting communities- higher levels of Broadcasters.
Q&A communities / Innovation communities- higher levels of Catalysts
Communities of Practice / Project groups- balance between proportion of Responders, Catalysts and Engagers, and few Broadcasters.
Personal Benchmarking - Benchmarking enables the comparison of activity across a given set of users. Based on each user's activity the following profiles provided:
- Observer: Not engaging. Less than 1 activity per 14 days. All other profiles have more than 1 activity per 14 days.
- Broadcaster: Is posting new messages, but is typically not responding to other people (reply, react or mention).
- Catalyst: Posts leads to many responses (replies or reactions)
- Responder: Comments (replies, reactions, mentions) on other people's messages, but posts significantly less.
- Engager: Balance in posting and commenting and balance in giving and receiving.
Personal Network Map - The Personal Network Map shows you how you and your Viva Engage contacts are connected, based on your online interactions. You can explore the map by using the filters, or clicking and dragging the icons around.
Public/Private Messages - The Public/Private Messages report shows the split between your own public and private messages.
A higher proportion of public messages means communication is more open and available to more users for participation. Try to analyse areas where private messages are more prevalent. Are there valid reasons for privacy?
Response Rate - Use the results from the Response Rate report to determine if posts are attracting the desired level of responses.
To improve the response rate, consider how posts could be written or changed to optimise engagement
Segment Activity - The Segment Activity report shows the Segments that have been most active in the Thread. Activity is the sum of posts, replies, reactions, mentions, etc. To view a different Segment, click on the drop-down menu.
Segment Benchmarking - Benchmarking enables the comparison of activity across a given set of segments. Based on each segment's activity a number of statistics are provided.
Sentiment Analysis - Sentiment Analysis shows the level of emotion and the proportion of positive/negative sentiment per thread.
The emotion score shows how emotionally charged the thread is (combination of positive and/or negative sentiment). The vertical line shows the average level of emotion for all threads. The sentiment score is split into the proportion of positive and negative sentiment. The vertical line shows the average proportion for all threads.
Filters that can be applied:
- Priority - Extra weight given to negative sentiment
- Emotion (prop) - Shows threads that have the highest proportion of emotion showed
- Emotion (total) - Shows threads that overall have more emotion
- Sentiment (prop negative) - Shows threads that have the highest proportion of negative sentiment.
- Sentiment (prop positive) - Show the threads that have the highest proportion of positive sentiment.
Sentiment by Time - Use Sentiment by Time to see how the mood is developing over time. Sentiment is determined for each sentence.
To zoom in on a particular time period, click and drag to highlight the relevant period.
SWOOP Persona - The SWOOP Persona analyses interactions that have involved you and shows your your Persona. It takes into account what you have contributed and what has come back.
The star rating is based on the activity levels of everyone, and is divided into five bands. Observers do not receive a star rating.
Topic Benchmarking - Benchmarking enables the comparison of activity across a given set of topics. Based on activities associated with each topic a number of statistics are provided.
Two-Way Relationships - A relationship is formed when two individuals interact with each other. If one person always initiates the interaction (e.g. A replies to B's posts but B doesn't respond) then it is a one-way relationship. When both people have taken the initiative to interact and engage (e.g. when A posts, B replies, and when B posts, A replies) then it is a two-way relationship. Two-way relationships are important to spark meaningful conversations and drive engagement.
User Activity - User Activity should be viewed along with Interactive Users. This report shows how much active users are doing (posts, replies, and reactions) over time. Average activity per active user is the average number of interactions done by the users over the chosen time period. Average discussion threads per user shows how many discussion threads there are per active user in the same time period. Higher activity can be achieved by asking questions, asking for feedback, and by moving more departmental day-to-day activities onto the Viva Engage platform. To zoom in on a particular time period, click and drag to highlight the relevant period.
Where to find a specific report
The table below shows which dashboard(s) each report appears on.
Personal | Segments | Threads | Topics | Communities | Enterprise | |
Activity by Time | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Collaboration Profile | x | x | ||||
Community Activity | x | x | x | x | ||
Community Benchmarking | x | |||||
Community Growth | x | |||||
Community Health Index | x | x | ||||
Community Network Map | x | |||||
Cross-Enterprise Collaboration | x | x | x | x | x | |
Curiosity Index | x | x | x | x | x | |
Forecast | x | x | x | |||
Hot Topics | x | x | x | |||
Impact of Attachments | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Individual Benchmarking | x | x | x | |||
Influential People | x | x | x | x | x | |
Interactive Members | x | |||||
Interactive Users | x | x | ||||
Key Statistics | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Keyword Cloud | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Mention Index | x | x | x | x | x | |
Most Engaging Posts | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Most Praised | x | x | x | |||
Multi-Group Participation | x | x | x | |||
Nudge | x | |||||
Persona Distribution | x | x | x | x | x | |
Personal Benchmarking | x | |||||
Personal Network Map | x | |||||
Public/Private Messages | x | x | x | x | ||
Response Rate | x | x | x | x | x | |
Segment Activity | x | x | x | x | ||
Segment Benchmarking | x | |||||
Sentiment Analysis | x | x | x | x | x | |
Sentiment by Time | x | x | x | x | x | x |
SWOOP Persona | x | |||||
Topic Benchmarking | x | |||||
Two-Way Relationships | x | x | x | x | x | x |
User Activity | x | x | x | x | x |
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