SWOOP is improving the spell-checking capabilities in SWOOP for SharePoint by using Microsoft's Bing Spell Check API.
Here is how it works technically:
- We scan the content of the SharePoint pages using SWOOP's privately hosted word dictionaries. This is a 'first round' spellcheck, but we know several false positives are identified.
- We take the words that have been classified as spelling mistakes in the first round and then we pass this to the Bing Spell Check API to validate if it is a real one or not.
Here is an overview of the Bing Spell Check API from Microsoft - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/search-apis/bing-spell-check/overview.
Security and Privacy
- When a SWOOP for SharePoint site is being created the customer nominates a region where all their data will be stored. The Bing Spell Check API resides in a region Microsoft Azure calls 'Global'. Therefore, SWOOP will be passing this small subset of words (not sentences), to this Global region.
- According to Microsoft's documentation the Bing Spell Check API will NOT store or use the data submitted (ie words suspected of having a spelling mistake) in any way, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/search-apis/bing-web-search/use-display-requirements
SWOOP can turn off the use of the Bing API, however, the result is suboptimal spellchecking and a need to manually maintain a custom supplementary dictionary.
Please note that Bing Spell Check is turned off by default. If you'd like to switch it on, you'll need to log a support ticket. For more details, you can download the Technical Overview, available via the SWOOP Trust Centre.
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