What is Impact of Attachments?
Have you ever wondered about the impact of adding photos, videos, links or other attachment types your post in your enterprise social network?
The main conclusion from research conducted by SWOOP Analytics, was that you receive more replies and reactions when you attach a photo or a video to a message. Actually, attaching just about anything would lead to more replies and reactions. Using the Impact of Attachments report in SWOOP allows you to validate these findings on your own network and see the split of attachment types.
How to use Impact of Attachments
Impact of Attachments shows the average number of replies and reactions for messages with different types of attachments. It reports on images, videos, links and other.
The 'other' category includes links to files and other types of attachments that are not images, videos or links. This can include files such as shares or unknown file types.
Where a message has multiple types of attachments, it will be counted against each type. A post with both an image and a document attached would contribute to both the proportion of messages with imagesandthe proportion of messages with other files. This means the percentage figures are independent should not be summed together.
You can also see the most popular posts under each category by clicking on 'show popular posts'. The posts that show in this list will hyperlink you directly to Workplace.
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