What is Key Player Dependency?
An important characteristic of networks is that some individuals are more important to the performance of the team than others. Hackman suggests the ‘default’ team structure is the single-leader one. However, he argues the only ‘real team’ is a self-directed one. The Key Player Dependency report measures the degree to which the team is dependent on a single leader. The more dependent a team is on a single leader, the higher its key player risk score will be.
How to use Key Player Dependency
Team Context
Team members need to agree on what structure they want to go forward with i.e. a single leader team or a self-directed team. The choice will depend on the nature of the team’s charter. The more challenging and complex the purpose is, the more likely a self- directed mode of operation should be preferred. This report should be viewed in concert with the Team Persona and team Network Map to understand the team’s current operating structure.
Enterprise Context
At the Enterprise level, the Key Player Dependency report will provide some insight into who the most critical single leaders of teams are; and to what degree the Enterprise relies on this style of team leadership, compared with the more agile and flexible self- directed architecture.
The Key Player Dependency should be viewed in conjunction with
the ‘Team of Teams’, ‘Team Persona Proportions’ as an assessment of the degree the enterprise is reliant on the formal organisational hierarchy for executing its teams strategy.
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